Essential Oils - Aromatic and Healing
Latin Name : Lavandula Angustifolia
Part of Plant Used : Flowering Tips
Origin: France
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation
Lavender has been used and cherished for centuries for its unmistakable aroma and myriad benefits. In ancient times, the Egyptians and Romans used Lavender for bathing, relaxation, cooking, and as a perfume. Its calming and relaxing qualities, when taken internally, continue to be Lavender’s most notable attributes.
Applied topically, Lavender is frequently used to reduce the appearance of skin imperfections. Add to bath water to soak away stress or apply to the temples and the back of the neck. Add a few drops of Lavender to pillows, bedding, or bottoms of feet to relax and prepare for a restful night’s sleep. Due to Lavender’s versatile properties, it is considered the must-have oil to have on hand at all times.
Add a few drops of Lavender Oil to pillows, bedding, or bottoms of feet at bedtime. Keep a bottle of Lavender on hand to soothe occasional skin irritations. Freshen your linen closet, mattress, car, or the air by combining Lavender with water in a spray bottle.SUGGESTIONS
Diffusion: Use three to four drops in the diffuser of your choice.
Topical use: Apply one to two drops to desired area. Dilute with Fractionated Coconut Oil to minimize any skin sensitivity.CAUTIONS
Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas.
Latin Name : Melaleuca Alternifolia.
Part of Plant Used : Leaves & Twigs
Source : Australia.
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation.
In early times, it seems the leaves of this tree were infused to make tea, which is how the name came into being. Tea Tree Essential Oil is the concentrated liquid compounds steam distilled from the leaves of the tree Melaleuca alternifolia, which is native to the northeast coast of New South Wales, Australia.
The oil is claimed to have valuable antiseptic and anti-fungal properties due to constituents called terpenoids, and is used in many personal care products and medicines today.
Tea tree oil is said to be good for relieving congestion, cold, cough and flu. It has been used to heal acne, fungal infections, dandruff, vaginal infections, haemorrhoids, athlete's foot, and is believed to soothe aching muscles and joint injuries. When added to bath water it helps control bacteria. Tea tree oil is not to be taken internally. It is usually used only on adults and must be kept away from children and pets. Don't use it if you're pregnant or lactating.
The tea tree has been known for its medicinal properties since ancient times in eastern Australia. The Australian aborigines are known to have been using the crushed leaves to heal cuts, burns, sores, and infections for hundreds of years. They inhaled the oils from the crushed leaves to relieve coughs and colds. They sprinkled this oil on wounds and applied a poultice on it. They infused the leaves and made tea to soothe sore throats. It was between 1920 and 1930 that the essential oil of this tree began to be known and used for its antimicrobial properties in Europe.
Latin Name : Eucalyptus Globulus.
Part Of Plant Used : Leaves & Twigs
Source : China.
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation.
Eucalyptus Essential Oil is a concentrated liquid containing volatile aromacompounds from the Eucalyptus Globulus Tree. It is usually distilled, sometimes expressed or solvent extracted. Eucalyptus essential oil is said to be antibacterial, disinfectant and an analgesic. It has been used to relieve coughs, colds, and other such respiratory troubles. It soothes muscle and joint pains, and helps to heal wounds, burns, ulcers and insect bites. In aromatherapy eucalyptus is said to promote activity, vitality, and energy.
For respiratory troubles, a few drops of this oil placed on a cloth can be inhaled through the mouth and exhaled through the nose for half a minute. It is applied directly on sores, rashes and insect bites. Add a few drops to your bath water to feel invigorated and refreshed. Soak your sore feet in a basin of warm water with 4-5 drops of this oil for relief. A few drops of oil in a diffuser is said to kill germs and airborne bacteria, a good idea for a sickroom.
Eucalyptus essential oil is for external use only; always consult an authorised practitioner when using it as a health remedy.
Essential oils have been understood to have played a role in healing in ancient times in Egypt, China, and other parts of the world. They are said to be the oldest form of medicine and cosmetic, since they are distilled from plants, not involving complicated processes or machinery, but an art nonetheless. For their healing and aromatic properties, they were considered more valuable than gold to the ancients.
Latin Name : Mentha Piperita.
Part Of Plant Used : Flowering Herb.
Source : India.
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation.
Peppermint Essential Oil is said to be good for ailments like asthma, colic, fever, flatulence, headache, nausea, chest congestion and vertigo. This oil is supposed to be excellent for mental fatigue and depression, refreshing and stimulating with its menthol content. It is good for the ski and is used in lotions to treat sunburn, itchiness or inflamed skin. It helps fight bad breath and gum infections when used in mouthwashes. When used in an oil burner it is not only therapeutic it also keeps away mosquitoes and other insects.
Peppermint is native to the Mediterranean but is now grown in other countries in Europe, America, and Asia. Discoveries prove that peppermint has been used since ancient times in Egypt, Greece, Rome, China and Japan.
According to Greek myth, a nymph called Mentha was turned, in a fit of anger, into a mint plant by her lover's wife Persephone. According to Pliny, peppermint was used to crown the Greeks and Romans during feasts. It has been used medicinally in England for the last few centuries.
Latin Name : Rosmarinus Officinalis.
Part of Plant Used : Flowering Tops.
Source : Tunisia.
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation.
The Essential Oil of the Rosemary Herb is steam distilled from the flowers, stems and leaves of the plant. According to the the British Pharmacopoeia, the oil distilled from the flowering tops is superior to that obtained from the stem and leaves, which is where nearly all commercial oil are said to be distilled. The smell of rosemary essential oil is woody and herbal and is used in aromatherapy to refresh and stimulate the mind.
This oil is helpful to treat wounds, burns, colds, flu, fatigue, digestive trouble, headaches, asthma, bronchitis, gout, rheumatism, liver and gall bladder problems, water retention and poor circulation. For a massage, rosemary oil is often mixed with a base oil or two like almond, apricot kernel or hazelnut oil. It is good for the hair as it is said to increase circulation to the scalp and promote hair growth. Never use this oil internally, and avoid it if you're pregnant or suffer from high blood pressure or epilepsy.
Rosemary was well known and used in the ancient world. It was believed to improve memory, so it became a symbol of fidelity and was used in weddings, funerals and other religious ceremonies. A sprig of rosemary was tied beautifully with ribbons and handed to wedding guests as a symbol of love and loyalty. 'Hungary water,' made of fresh rosemary tops soaked in wine for a few days was made for the Queen of Hungary and is said to have cured her of paralysis.
Latin Name : Cananga Odorata.
Part of Plant Used : Flowers.
Source : Camores.
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation.
Ylang Ylang is a large tree native to the far eastern countries like Malaysia, Philippines, and Indonesia. Its yellow flowers are strongly fragrant and have long trailing petals. The essential oil made from it is available in abundance and is therefore the least expensive but is highly favoured for its fragrance in the perfume and cosmetics industries, and is also being used in the food industry today.
According to science, Ylang-Ylang Essential Oil is a mental stimulant. In contrast, the world of aromatherapy considers this oil one of the best at relaxing the mind and the body. Simply smelling it is supposed to help lower blood pressure. Taking a bath with the oil or using it in a massage oil naturally enhances the relaxation experience. It is used to relieve stress, depression, shock, or anxiety. When used as a hair tonic, it is supposed to balance oil production. Be warned, though, that high concentrations of ylang ylang can cause headaches or nausea.
Ylang Ylang means the flower of flowers in Malay, and was traditionally thought of as an aphrodisiac and a relaxing fragrance, so the flowers of this tree were strewn on the marriage bed of a newly married couple in Indonesia. Muslim women used to burn this oil to scent their harems, the part of the palace reserved for women. In China, the fragrance was used to purify the robes of the mandarin. Ylang Ylang essential oil has been associated with perfumes and relaxation for a long time.
Latin Name : Salvia Sclarea
Part of Plant Used : Tops and Leaves.
Source : Russia.
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation.
Clary Sage Essential Oil has sedative abilities that induce feelings of relaxation, clarity, and calmness while alleviating dizziness, anxiety, and irritability. It is also known to stimulate libido in both men and women.
Clary Sage Essential Oil has earned the nickname “The Woman’s Oil,” due to its benefits for women’s health, especially in relation to menstruation and menopause.
Clary Sage oil calms and soothes the skin. Clary Sage oil can also be applied to promote healthy-looking hair and scalp. If used aromatically, Clary Sage oil promotes feelings of relaxation in preparation for a restful night’s sleep.
Latin Name : Pelargonium Graveolens.
Part Of Plant Used : Leaves, Stalks & Flowers.
Source : Egypt.
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation.
Geranium Essential Oil is steam distilled from the leaves and stalks of the plant Pelargonium odoratissimum (apple geranium). It has a strong smell with a floral aroma, and hints of mint and apple. The main feature of this oil is its ability to balance and uplift, and it is used to do both on the mind and body, to ease a host of ailments.
Geranium essential oil helps balance oily and dry skin, and also brings about balance of the mind, relieving stress and anxiety. It is said to work on the adrenal cortex, which has a balancing effect on the hormone system. Geranium oil has been used to treat acne, bruises, burns, cuts, dermatitis, eczema, haemorrhoids, ringworm, ulcers, breast engorgement, oedema, poor circulation, sore throat, tonsillitis, PMS, menopausal problems, stress, and neuralgia. Its strong smell chases away mosquitoes. Add a few drops to shampoo to get rid of head lice.
These geraniums were believed to keep away spirits (like they did mosquitoes!) and so they were planted around houses as hedges. The plants originated from South Africa, Reunion, Madagascar, Egypt, and Morocco and were introduced to European countries in the 17th century. Although there are about 700 varieties of the plant, only 10 supply essential oil in viable quantities. The varieties planted in gardens usually produce too little oil to use for extraction.
Latin Name : Amyris Balsamifera.
Part of Plant Used : Wood & Branches.
Source : Jamaica.
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation.
Amyris essential oil is also called West Indian Sandalwood oil because its odour is reminiscent of sandalwood. It is obtained by steam distillation from the bark and branches of the Amyris balsamifera tree. Because of its high oil content, this wood burns by itself, like a candle, and is hence called candle wood by the local population. It is a less expensive alternate to pure sandalwood.
This oil has been used to clean wounds, and treat influenza, diarrhoea. It is said to be very effective at alleviating cystitis and vaginal infections. When used in a vaporiser, it helps ease anxiety and ension, insomnia, and acts as an aphrodisiac, relieving impotence and frigidity. It is used to treat coughs and colds, and bronchitis. Its calming properties are said to help during meditation. It is also a muscle relaxant and emollient.
The botanical origin of the tree yielding this oil was unknown until 1886 when the main differences between this plant and true sandalwood were identified by microscopic examination of the leaves. The Amyris balsamifera tree grows wild in Haiti. For their healing and aromatic properties, essential oils were considered more valuable than gold to ancient humans.
Latin Name : Pogostemon Cablin.
Part of Plant Used : Dried Leaves.
Source : Indonesia.
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation.
Patchouli Oil is extracted from the Pogostemon cablin plant of the mint family and has a rich musky-sweet, spicy smell. The plant is native to Malaysia and India, where it is known as 'puchaput'. The word patchouli is derived from Tamil 'pachchai ilai' meaning, simply, 'green leaf.' Patchouli oil is extracted from the young leaves, which are dried and fermented before steam distillation. This oil improves its fragrance and power with age. It is much valued in skin care, especially in scar healing.
In eastern countries, patchouli oil is used in potpourris and sachets between linen and clothes for the fragrance as well as to keep bedbugs and insects away. The oil is said to have a balancing effect on the emotions and create an amorous atmosphere. When used in an oil burner, it eases anxiety and depression. Used in bath water, it is believed to help skin and scalp complaints, fungal infections, fluid retention, break down cellulite and ease constipation. It has excellent tissue regenerating properties, speeds up healing and fights infections. Thus, it helps acne, eczema, weeping sores, ulcers, and athlete's foot.
It seems that patchouli was placed between Indian cashmere shawls before being sent to Victorian England, to protect the merchandise from moths. Without this signature smell of dried patchouli leaves, the shawls could not be sold in England. In Europe and America, patchouli oil and incense was immensely popular in the 1960s and 70s among the hippies, since the smell of patchouli covered body odour and the smell of burnt cannabis.
Patchouli was used as a hair conditioner for dreadlocks. In many Asian countries, patchouli is also used as an antidote to snakebite.
Latin Name : Jasminum Officinale
Part of Plant Used: Dried Leaves
Source : India
Extraction Method: Steam Distillation
5% Dilution in Grapeseed Oil
It may be the aphrodisiac properties that placed jasmine oil in such high demand throughout history. Jasmine essential oil was used in healing and religious ceremonies because of this compelling quality. In China, jasmine oil was used in sick rooms to make the air fragrant, but it was also thought to clear the air of pollutants even before the discovery of bacteria. Ancient Egyptians used jasmine oil for headaches, nervous disorders, and to promote restful sleep.
Today, the essence is produced through a process called solvent extraction. At first glance, jasmine is all about scent. Its complex, floral energy is a mood-lifter for most people and often provides aphrodisiac qualities. Studies have shown that just smelling jasmine can increase alertness, hand-eye coordination, boost self-confidence, and happiness, and reduce stress.
In a therapeutic sense, jasmine can treat dry, aging skin. It is used in low concentrations to treat eczema and dermatitis. Additionally, jasmine is useful in fading scars and treating stretch marks after delivery. Jasmine can relieve anger, anxiety, and stress without acting as a sedative. Jasmine opens one up to options available through clearer thinking. This calming and balancing power can also reduce inflammation from emotional stress.
Jasmine has a long history of enhancing libido, releasing inhibitions, and inspiring sexual desire. Jasmine has properties which regulate period cycles, can reduce period pain, lethargy, and mood swings. It can also delay the onset of menopause.
Latin Name : Citrus Limon.
Part Of Plant Used : Fruit Peel
Source : Italy.
Extraction Method : Cold Expression.
Lemon Essential Oil has a sharp, fresh smell and is extracted from the fresh lemon fruit peel by cold expression. This oil is refreshing to the mind, and sharpens concentration, so it is often preferred in room fresheners for offices and banks. It is believed to help with rheumatism, arthritis, and gout. It has been used to cure skin troubles like abscesses, boils, carbuncles, and acne. It boosts the immune system and cleanses the body.
When used in an oil burner (a few drops in water), the vapours of lemon oil are used for colds, laryngitis, headache, and flu. Smelling the aroma is helpful for mental hiccups like depression, irritation, stress, lethargy, and fatigue. It lifts the spirits and clears the mind. When a few drops are added to the bath or when blended into a massage oil, it is said to ease digestive problems, lack of energy,
tiredness, infections, obesity, rheumatism, depression, and stress. It is also used to help get rid of hangovers.
The lemon plant is native to India and maybe China, and was brought to Europe by the Crusaders in the Middle Ages. Since the fruit has a good amount of vitamins A, B and C, an ounce a day was given to sailors to prevent scurvy, eye problems, and other vitamin deficiencies. The first real lemon cultivation in Europe began in Genoa in the mid-fifteenth century. It was later introduced to America by Christopher Columbus. Spanish conquests helped spread the lemon seeds farther. Lemon was mainly used as an ornament and as medicine. It was only much later that it began to be used in cooking.
Latin Name : Ocimum Basilicum.
Plant Part Used : Flowering Herb.
Source : India.
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation.
Basil Essential Oil is steam distilled from the leaves and flowering tops of the basil plant. This greenish-yellow, crisp-smelling essential oil is often used in aromatherapy to awaken the mind, steady the nerves and bring about clarity of thought. Basil originates from tropical Asia and the Pacific Islands, but is now grown throughout Europe and the USA.
Basil oil is said to be therapeutic for the respiratory tract and is often used for asthma, bronchitis, and sinus infections. It is used to treat nervous disorders and stress-related headaches and migraines. It is supposed to relieve intellectual fatigue, while giving clarity and mental strength. This oil is said to ease constipation, nausea, vomiting, abdomen cramps and is considered good for menstrual problems. It is helpful to relieve gout as it helps reduce uric acid in the blood. It is useful for arthritis, refreshes the skin, and heals insect bites. However, experts advise pregnant women and children under 16 to avoid using this oil.
This herb is popular in India and has been used in prayer as well as healing for hundreds of years. The leaves of the plant are chewed as part of prayer ceremonies, they are soaked in coconut water or holy water to distribute after prayers in temples. They are chewed to ease sore throats and coughs. A decoction made of tulasi (basil) leaves is drunk to ease painful throats and respiratory problems.
Latin Name : Citrus Bergamia.
Part Of Plant Used : Fruit Peel
Source : Ivory Coast.
Extraction Method : Cold Expression.
Bergamot Essential Oil is extracted by expression from the ripe as well as unripe fruits of the bergamot orange tree. This essential oil that smells citrus-like yet sweet, is great for creating a relaxed and happy feeling. It is useful in the treatment of urinary tract infections, skin troubles, and boosts the functions of the liver, spleean and stomach.
Bergamot essential oil is used in aromatherapy to treat depression, stress, tension, low self-confidence, fear, and hysteria. It is useful in healing skin infections like general wounds, psoriasis, cold sores, and eczema. This oil is said to help those suffering from SAD (Seasonal Affected Disorder), PMS, compulsive eating, postnatal depression, colds, and flu. Bergamot oil is a favourite in aromatherapy and is used in vaporisers, massages, and blended into bath water. Experts advice caution when using this oil on sensitive skin if it is exposed to sunlight after application, as this may cause burns. Keep out of the sun if this oil has been used on the skin.
The name Bergamot is derived from the city Bergamo in Lombardy, Italy, where the oil was first sold. It has been grown since the 16th century in the Mediterranean countries like Italy and Greece. It's been used in the perfume and food industries (Earl Grey tea) for a long time. While essential oil has begun to be extracted more recently, the fruit, and its essence and flavour have been used in traditional medicine for hundred of years.
Latin Name : Piper Nigrum
Part Of Plant Used : Peppercorns
Source : India
Extraction Method : Steam Destilation
This Black Pepper Essential Oil is a multi-purpose oil that has a variety of uses and benefits. This essential oil is high in monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes, which are natural chemicals known for their antioxidant activity and their ability to support the immune system when needed most.
One of Black Pepper essential oil’s unique qualities is its ability to provide warm sensations when applied topically. This factor makes it a perfect oil to use in a relaxing massage blend.
Need a good way to calm unwanted nerves? Black Pepper essential oil is a great way to relieve anxious feelings. When used aromatically, Black Pepper essential oil can help soothe tightened emotions.
Latin Name : Foeniculum Vulgare.
Part Of Plant Used : Crushed Seeds.
Source : Ukraine.
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation.
Fennel Essential Oil is extracted from the plant Foeniculum vulgare var. dulce, which is sweet fennel, also known as Roman fennel. It is extracted from the crushed seeds by steam distillation. The oil, like the seeds, is good for digestion as well as a host of other ailments. It is used in aromatherapy to treat oily skin, wrinkles, and obesity. It is said to boost courage, resolve, and strength.
This oil is a popular remedy for digestive problems like flatulence, constipation, colic, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, and dyspepsia. It also helps in weight loss as it is said to promote the feeling of a full stomach. Its diuretic effect is believed to help disperse cellulite. Fennel oil is supposed to tone the spleen and liver. It has a cleansing and toning effect on the skin, and helps with bruises. Please note, this oil should not be used in large doses, and should avoided altogether in pregnancy, lactation, and those suffering from breast cancer, and epilepsy.
The word Fennel is derived from the Latin 'foenum,' meaning 'hay'. In medieval times, it was known as 'Fenkle'. It was a popular herb used by the ancient Chinese, Egyptians, and Romans, who believed that fennel helped give longer life, and improved a person's courage and strength. It was also believed to keep away evil spirits. It is said that fennel was used to strengthen eyesight, to cure snakebites, and ease colic. In India, plain, roasted or mint-coated fennel seeds, called 'saunf' are often served after meals to help digestion.
Latin Name : Boswellia Carterii.
Part Of Plant Used : Resin.
Source : Somalia .
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation.
5% Dilution in Grapeseed Oil
This Frankincense Essential Oil is steam distilled from the resin of the Boswellia carterii tree, of the Burseraceae family, and is also known as Olibanum. The word is derived from the French franc meaning luxuriant, and was, along with myrrh, the first gum to be used as incense. The tree is indigenous to the Middle East, and is said to exist in natural bonsai formation in that parched land. Frankincense is said to symbolize divinity.
This oil is the most popular in aromatherapy for its calming properties. It is said to help heal wounds and prevent scars. It is used to tone the face, remove wrinkles, and avoid stretch marks in cosmetic products. Frankincense essential oil has been used to ease anxiety, stress, asthma, bronchitis, laryngitis, and bad coughs. It is a general tonic to the uterus, has a calming effect during labour, and helps ease heavy menstruation. It is most useful during meditation. Avoid during pregnancy.
Ancient Egyptians burned frankincense as holy incense and used it as a face mask. They ground the burnt resin into a powder called kohl, used to highlight the eyes. Kohl-lined eyes are commonly seen in Egyptian art. The earliest record of frankincense use was found in a tomb inscription of the 15th century BC Egyptian queen Hatshepsut. It was used to fumigate the sick, to banish evil spirits.
Latin Name : Anthemis Nobilis.
Part Of Plant Used : Flowers
Source : England.
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation.
5% Dilution in Grapeseed Oil
Roman chamomile yields an essential oil that is light blue when fresh. It can be extracted from the flower and the upper parts of the plant. It has excellent calming properties, and is said to ease irritation, impatience and help PMS and other menstrual and menopausal problems. Roman chamomile is an evergreen with a fresh apple smell, and is mainly grown in France, Belgium, and Eastern Europe.
This herb is excellent for skin problems like acne, eczema, rashes, wounds, dermatitis, dry/itchy skin and any allergies. It is said to be good for abdominal pain, gall bladder problems, and throat infections, and helps relieve allergies, hay fever, and asthma. This oil is useful in diluted solutions to calm children suffering from colic, irritability, diarrhoea, and teething. In a vaporiser, it calms headaches, nervous complaints, and migraines. While this oil is gentle enough for use with children and babies, always consult an expert before administering it.
The medicinal use of chamomile dates back thousands of years to the ancient Egyptians, Romans, and Greeks. The Egyptians dedicated it to the sun god. A papyrus document dating to 2800 BC records the use of chamomile to treat skin disorders. Chamomile oil was used to embalm bodies. Hippocrates, the great Greek physician, is said to have used chamomile as a herbal remedy. In mythology, chamomile is one of the nine sacred herbs given by Wodan, the god of the underworld, to mortals to improve their lives.
Latin Name : Cymbopogon Nardus.
Part Of Plant Used : Dried Grass
Source : Java.
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation.
This Citronella Essential Oil is steam distilled from the leaves and stems of the Cymbopogon species of plants, especially Cymbopogon nardus. Citronella oil is famous as a plant-based insect repellent, a bio-pesticide with a non-toxic mode of action, and has been registered for this use in USA since 1948. The main countries to produce this oil are Indonesia and China, who together make about 40% of the world's citronella essential oil.
Other than being useful as an insect repellent for the skin, this oil is good for excessive perspiration, oily skin and hair, and works as a deodorant. It is said to soothe pain due to rheumatism and arthritis, and resist flu, colds and minor infections. The oil is good for the digestive system to heal colitis, intestinal infections, and get rid of intestinal parasites. It eases menstrual cramps and pain, and speeds up the heartbeat. Used in a vaporiser, it is known to dispel fatigue, headaches, and neuralgia, and create a mood of cheer and optimism. Avoid use during pregnancy, and in children under 3. Do not consume internally.
Ancient cultures in India, Egypt, and elsewhere, where the Cymbopogon species of grasses grew used them to repel insects, especially mosquitoes. In those times, people settled near rivers, and water bodies. While this was a good thing in many ways, it also meant an abundance of insects, mosquitoes, which brought disease and killed people. So, the use of this grass as repellent was a matter of life and death at that time.
Latin Name : Cinnamomum Zeylanicum.
Part Of Plant Used : Leaves & Twigs
Source : Sri Lanka.
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation.
Cinnamon Essential Oil is extracted by steam distillation from the Cinnamomum zeylanicum tree, also called Ceylon cinnamon or true cinnamon. There are two kinds of essential oils extracted: one from the leaves, which is gentler, yellow to light brown, and most often used in aromatherapy; and the other from the bark, which is darker brown and not commonly preferred in aromatherapy.
Cinnamon oil is a calming one with powerful antiseptic properties. When used in an oil burner, this oil is said to help colds and bronchitis, and lift depression. It's
used to assist with bronchitis, diarrhoea, chills, infections, flu, rheumatism, and arthritis when used in bath water or blended into a massage oil. It eases nausea and vomiting. It stimulates the glandular system and therefore reduce menstrual pain. Avoid the leaf oil during pregnancy. The bark oil is very strong and should only be used diluted, under expert supervision.
The cinnamon tree is native to the Indian subcontinent and has been an important item of trade for centuries between India, China, and Egypt. The source of cinnamon was a mystery to the Western world for the longest time. According to Herodotus and other authors, Arabia was the source of cinnamon. The story goes that giant Cinnamon birds collected cinnamon sticks for their nests from a mysterious place where cinnamon trees grew. The Arabs then tricked the birds and got the cinnamon from them. This was the belief up to 1310 in Byzantium.
Latin Name : Eugenia Caryophyllata.
Part Of Plant Used : Leaves
Source : Madagascar.
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation.
This Clove Essential Oil is extracted usually by steam distillation from the leaves, stem, and buds of the Eugenia caryophyllata tree, which is native to Indonesia and the Malacca islands. This is a potent oil with a warm, strong, spicy smell and needs to be used very diluted and with much care in aromatherapy.
Clove oil can be used to heal or soothe acne, bruises, cuts and burns, leg sores, and as a pain reliever for rheumatis and arthritis. It is said to be good for the digestive system as well, helping with vomiting, diarrhoea, flatulence, spasms, and parasites. It is considered valuable for relieving respiratory problems like bronchitis, asthma, and tuberculosis.
In aromatherapy, this Clove essential oil stimulates the mind and acts as an aphrodisiac. It removes mental exhaustion and fatigue, and induces sleep in insomniacs.
Cloves were popularly used in ancient India and China. It is believed that ancient Chinese medicine used cloves to treat indigestion, diarrhoea, hernia, athlete's foot, and fungal infections. It has been used to treat mouth ulcers, toothache, and as a breath freshener since ancient times in these countries. It was one of the first spices to be traded. Arab traders are said to have introduced cloves to Europe during the days of the Roman Empire.
Latin Name : Cupressus Sempervirens.
Part Of Plant Used : Needles & Twigs
Source : Spain.
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation.
This Cypress Essential Oil is extracted by steam distillation from the Italian or Mediterranean cypress. The oil is taken from the needles and twigs of young branches of these trees made famous by the paintings of Van Gogh. Cypress essential oil is said to calm strong emotions like anger and is therefore useful to have during major changes in one's life.
This essential oil works as a vasoconstrictor, helping with varicose veins and haemorrhoids. It is supposed to work well to ease all conditions of excess fluid such as heavy menstruation, excessive sweating, cough, bronchitis, haemorrhage, and fluid retention. This oil soothes muscular cramps, helps regulate the menstrual cycle, and eases arthritis and rheumatic pain. Use this oil in a vaporiser to soothe the mind as well as for any respiratory trouble like asthma, bronchitis, whooping cough. It can be used in dilution in a cold compress to stop nosebleeds.
The cypress tree is considered a mourning tree according to Greek mythology and is often grown in cemeteries for this reason. It is also associated with the god of the underworld, Hades. Phoenicians and Cretans used the wood of this tree for building ships and houses. Egyptians made sarcophagi from it and the Greeks carve statues of their gods with it. Legend has it that the cross of Jesus Christ was made of this wood, another reason cypress is connected to death. Ironically, the botanical name of cypress is derived from the Greek 'Sempervirens', which means 'live forever'.
Latin Name : Zingiber Officinale.
Part Of Plant Used : Root.
Source : India.
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation.
Ginger Essential Oil is extracted from the Zingiberaceae officinale plant, also known as Common or Jamaica Ginger. The name ginger is derived from the place called Gingi in the state of Tamil Nadu, India, and the Tamil word for ginger, inji-ver. The oil is extracted by steam distillation from the unpeeled or dried, ground-up root of the plant. It is a warming oil and is particularly good for digestion and fighting nausea and vomiting.
Ginger oil has many therapeutic properties. It is used in the treatment of fractures, soothing the pain of rheumatism, arthritis, and carbuncles. It helps with hangovers, motion sickness, colds, flu, coughs, sinusitis, sore throat, skin sores, diarrhoea, colic, cramps, chills and fever. Used in a vaporiser, this oil fights loneliness and depression, and its energizing properties make it a good aphrodisiac. Put a drop of oil on a handkerchief and inhale to control nausea, motion sickness, and colds.
Ginger has its origins in India, China, and Java, but is also native to Africa and West Indies. Sanskrit and Chinese texts mention the use of ginger as medicine. It is also mentioned in ancient Greek, Roman, and Arabian literature. Dried ginger is used for stomach aches, diarrhoea, throat problems, and nausea. The Chinese also use it to boost the heart and to reduce mucus and phlegm.
Latin Name : Citrus Paradisi
Part Of Plant Used : Fruit Peel
Source : USA
Extraction Method : Cold Press
This Grapefruit Essential Oil has distinct properties that may offer a variety of health benefits — including reduced blood pressure and stress levels. Sourced from the peel of the Citrus paradisi fruit, proponents suggest that breathing in the oil's tangy scent can help lift your mood and offer a variety of benefits.
Inhaling the aroma of grapefruit essential oil (or absorbing grapefruit essential oil through the skin) is thought to transmit messages to a brain region involved in controlling emotions. Known as the limbic system, this brain region also influences the nervous system. Aromatherapy proponents suggest that essential oils may affect a number of biological factors, including heart rate, stress levels, blood pressure, breathing, and immune function.
Grapefruit essential oil is also used to reduce stress, stimulate circulation, increase energy, enhance mood, and improve digestion.
Latin Name : Jasminum Officinale.
Of Flower Used : Flower
Source : India.
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation.
Jasmine is a delicate, evergreen climber native to China and India with small, white, star-shaped flowers, which are picked at night, when their fragrance is the most powerful. This Jasmine Essential Oil has a sweet, exotic and richly floral smell. It is expensive, as its distillation is more elaborate than for most oils, and is used to deeply relax, lift depression and increase confidence.
This oil is said to soothe the nerves and produce a feeling of confidence and optimism, while also restoring energy. It reduces childbirth time by strengthening contractions and easing pain. It is believed to relieve impotence, frigidity, and premature ejaculation due to its soothing and calming properties. It helps cough and laryngitis and is also useful in a massage oil to ease muscle pain, sprains, and stiff limbs. Jasmine oil tones dry, oily, or sensitive skin, increases elasticity and is said to reduce stretch marks and scarring.
The jasmine has been considered a holy flower in India for hundreds of years and is strung together to make garlands for Hindu gods and Goddesses till today. Jasmine is commonly worn in the hair by Indian women and the one of the main flowers in wedding garlands as well. According to a myth, the sun god, Surya, rejected a princess's love and she was so heartbroken that she killed herself. From her ashes scattered on the ground, a jasmine plant grew. Since the sun god caused her so much pain, the jasmine flower only bloomed and released its perfume at night.
Latin Name : Juniperus Communis
Part Of Plant Used : Berry
Source : Macedonia
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation
Extracted from the berries of a coniferous tree, Juniper Berry Essential Oil is recognized for its versatile uses and benefits. The scent of Juniper Berry oil is woody, spicy, and clean.
When used for its aroma, Juniper Berry essential oil has a calming and grounding effect and can also be diffused to help cleanse and purify the air.
Juniper berries are a natural antiseptic, as is the essential oil. A room mist/air freshener made with Juniper Berry Essential Oil may help to kill airborne germs.
Latin Name : Cymbopogon Citratus.
Part Of Plant Used : Leaves.
Source : Guatamala.
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation.
This Lemongrass Essential Oil is extracted from Cymbopogon citratus, also known as 'oil grass', from the fresh or partly-dried leaves by steam distillation. This oil is said to fight fatigue, and help refresh a tired body and mind. It is also a pleasant-smelling way of keeping a pet free of fleas and ticks. Lemongrass contains citral which provides the main flavour in lemon peel.
Lemongrass oil is believed to relieve jet lag, headaches, nervous exhaustion, and stress. It boosts the parasympathetic nervous system, for faster recovery from an illness, and stimulates glandular secretions. It helps tone muscles and tissue, hence relieving muscle pain. It's useful for treating sore throat, laryngitis, and fever, and helps stop the spreading of infection. It helps with colitis, indigestion, and gastroenteritis. It clears oily skin and reduces excessive perspiration. It can irritate the skin, however, so care must be taken when used on skin. Avoid use during pregnancy.
Lemongrass is a perennial aromatic grass that used to grow wild in India, where it is known as choomana poolu. It is also known as Indian Verbena or Indian Melissa oil and is used in Ayurveda, the ancient traditional art of healing, to help bring down fevers and treat infectious illnesses; it is therefore also called 'fevergrass'.
Latin Name : Citrus Aurantifolia.
Part Of Plant Used : Fruit Peel.
Source : Mexico.
Extraction Method : Cold Expression.
This Lime Essential Oil is obtained from Citrus aurantifolia, also known as Mexican or West Indian lime, as well as sour lime. The oil is extracted from the peel of the unripe skin by cold expression or from the peel and/or the whole ripe fruit by steam distillation. Lime oil has a sharp, citrus smell that immediately perks up one's mood on smelling it, and is pale yellow to light olive in colour.
Lime oil, when used in an oil burner, stimulates a tired mind and helps ease anxiety, apathy, and depression. It is useful to reduce fevers associated with colds, sore throats, and flu. It increases immunity while easing coughs, bronchitis, sinusitis, and asthma. It is said to be helpful for arthritis,
rheumatism and poor circulation, as well as for obesity and cellulite. This oil is good for the skin; it reduces oiliness and acne, helps with herpes, insect bites and cuts. However, the oil that is obtained by cold expression (as opposed to steam distillation) can cause photosensitivity and irritate the skin.
Limes are originally from Asia, but they are now grown in most warm countries like Italy, the West Indies, and the Americas. The lime is green when raw and ripens to yellow, and usually measures about two inches in diameter. It was introduced into Europe by the Moors and from there it migrated to the Americas. The lime is said to have a lower Vitamin C content than lemons do. People often carried limes on long ship journeys to prevent sailors getting scurvy from Vitamin C deficiency.
Latin Name : Citrus Nobilis.
Part Of Plant Used : Fruit Peel.
Source : Italy.
Extraction Method : Cold Expression.
Mandarin Essential Oil is obtained from Citrus Reticulata, by cold compression of the peel. Mandarin Petitgrain oil is also extracted in small quantities by steam distillation of the leaves and twigs. The oil is golden yellow-orange and has the aroma of a fresh orange. An entire group of citrus fruits come under the umbrella of Mandarin oranges, including Satsuma, Clementine, Dancy, Honey, Pixie, and tangerines.
This oil is very gentle and is hence said to be used for treating even children and pregnant women, one of the few oils to be used this way. With its tonic and stimulating effect on both the stomach and the liver it is helpful for digestive problems. Mandarin oil is also useful for treating acne, oily skin, and spots. It is supposed to help ease problems such as fluid retention and obesity as well. The oil, diluted around 1-2% in a carrier oil, is massaged gently on a child's tummy to relieve a tummy ache. A few drops in the bath calms hyperactive children. Used in an oil burner, it dispels depression and relieves anxiety.
The Mandarin oranges are so called because they were traditionally offered as gifts to the mandarins of China. In France, the Mandarin is considered a safe remedy to treat indigestion in children, and for the elderly as it helps strengthen the digestive system and the liver. Native to Southern China and the Far East, the Mandarin orange was brought to Europe in 1805 and to America in 1845.
Latin Name : Thymus Mastichina.
Part Of Plant Used : Leaves & Flowering Tops.
Source : Spain.
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation.
This Marjoram Essential Oil is steam distilled from the Thymus mastichina plant, which has a hairy stem, oval leaves and little whitish flowers in clusters. The entire plant exudes a strong aroma. This plant is actually wild growing thyme, but is known as Spanish Wild Marjoram. It belongs to the lamiaceae family of Spain and is not the same as sweet or French Marjoram; neither is it oregano, which is also called wild marjoram.
This oil is said to be more effective than that of sweet marjoram when used as an expectorant for respiratory tract infections and spasms, as it has antiseptic properties for the upper respiratory tract, but is not a muscle relaxant or a sedative, as sweet marjoram is. Spanish marjoram oil is commonly used in aromatherapy and blends well with lavender and bergamot oils for creating a relaxing environment. When used in an oil burner or in a massage oil, this herb is said to calm the nerves, and fight loneliness and rejection. It also aids digestion.
Spanish wild marjoram is known to have been used by herbalists since ancient Greece. Ancient Greeks and Romans crowned bridal couples with wreaths of marjoram to symbolize love, honour and happiness. Marjoram tea with honey was used by singers to preserve their voices.
Latin Name : Citrus Aurantium.
Part Of Plant Used : Flowers
Source : Tunisia.
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation.
5% Dilution in Grapeseed Oil
This Neroli Essential Oil is produced from the flowers of the bitter orange tree (Citrus aurantium var. amara), also known as Neroli bigarade, and smells similar to bergamot. The blossoms are gathered by hand and the oil is produced by water distillation as the flowers are too fragile for steam
distillation. This is one of the most popular essential oils for its wonderful smell as well as its therapeutic properties.
Neroli oil is very calming and is said to relieve chronic anxiety, depression, fear, depression, shock and stress. It is believed to calm intestinal spasms, colitis and diarrhoea as well. Due to its sedative property, it is good for insomnia, people with heart palpitations, neuralgia and vertigo. It is good to heat some in an oil burner in a convalescent's room. On the skin, Neroli oil is said to help regenerate skin cells and useful to prevent ugly scar tissue, promote smoother skin, fight stretch marks, and broken capillaries.
Neroli oil is believed to have been used by the Romans. In 1680, Anna Maria Orsini, princess of Nerola, used the essence of the bitter orange tree as to perfume her gloves and her bath, thereby creating a fashionable new fragrance. From this time on, the essential oil became known as Neroli after her. Folk tales say that these orange blossoms were used to decorate bridal beds to help relax newly married couples in bed. The oil is expensive to produce, and much care is taken as the blossoms must be plucked just as they bloom.
Latin Name : Citrus Aurantium.
Part Of Plant Used : Flowers
Source : Tunisia.
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation.
Neroli Essential Oil is produced from the flowers of the bitter orangetree (Citrus aurantium var. amara), also known as Neroli bigarade, and smells similar to bergamot. The blossoms are gathered by hand and the oil is produced by water distillation as the flowers are too fragile for steam distillation. This is one of the most popular essential oils for its wonderful smell as well as its therapeutic properties.
Neroli oil is very calming and is said to relieve chronic anxiety, depression, fear, depression, shock and stress. It is believed to calm intestinal spasms, colitis and diarrhoea as well. Due to its sedative property, it is good for insomnia, people with heart palpitations, neuralgia and vertigo. It is good to heat some in an oil burner in a convalescent's room. On the skin, Neroli oil is said to help regenerate skin cells and useful to prevent ugly scar tissue, promote smoother skin, fight stretch marks, and broken capillaries.
Neroli oil is believed to have been used by the Romans. In 1680, Anna Maria Orsini, princess of Nerola, used the essence of the bitter orange tree as to perfume her gloves and her bath, thereby creating a fashionable new fragrance. From this time on, the essential oil became known as Neroli after her. Folk tales say that these orange blossoms were used to decorate bridal beds to help relax newly married couples in bed. The oil is expensive to produce, and much care is taken as the blossoms must be plucked just as they bloom.
Latin Name : Myristica Fragrans
Part Of Plant Used : Seed
Source : Indonesia
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation
Steam distilled Nutmeg Essential Oil is a warming oil that when used judiciously, it is a wonderful essential oil for use in helping to ease digestive complaints as well as muscular aches and pains.
Aromatically, Nutmeg Essential Oil is a warm, spicy essential oil that is sweet and somewhat woody. It blends beautifully with other essential oils in the spice family. It also blends well with floral, citrus and wood essential oils. It can add a beautiful, distinctive spicy characteristic to otherwise bland blends.
Emotionally, Nutmeg Essential Oil can be a very stimulating essential oil. It can be especially helpful in supporting motivation and focus during especially challenging times.
Latin Name : Citrus Sinensis
Part Of Plant Used : Fruit Peel
Source : Brasil
Extraction Method : Cold Expression
Orange Essential Oil’s ability to naturally enhance immunity and reduce several symptoms of numerous ailments have lent it to traditional medicinal applications for the treatment of acne, chronic stress, and other health concerns.
Used in aromatherapy, Orange Essential Oil’s pleasant scent has a cheerful and uplifting yet simultaneously relaxing, calming effect that helps reduce pulse rate. It can not only create a warm environment but can also stimulate the strength and resilience of the immune system and eliminate airborne bacteria.
Applied in a massage,Orange Essential Oilis known to increase blood flow. This is known to relieve discomforts associated with inflammation, headaches, menstruation, and low libido.
Orange Essential Oil reduces the incidents of painful and reflexive muscle contractions. It is traditionally used in massages to relieve stress, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, indigestion or improper digestion, and congestion of the nose.
Latin Name : Cymbopogon Martinii
Part Of Plant Used : Grass
Source : India
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation
Palmarosa Essential Oil has a rose-like scent that makes it a beautiful addition to your essential oil collection. It is an essential oil known for its natural skin benefits.
Palmarosa is one of nature’s star upholders of skin health. It regulates skin moisture and oil production and is therefore useful for both dry and oily skin. This is the reason why is Palmarosa oil added into skin products as soaps, creams etc.
Offering cell renewal benefits, palmarosa essential oil nourishes and restores skin health and harmony. It is also known for its ability to rejuvenate tired, sore feet, so it makes a great foot soak.
Having both calming and uplifting effects, it is a tonic for the heart and mind. It supports deep sleep, uplifts, calms and settles the mood, and provides comfort and support for feminine cycles. At the same time, it supports a healthy wellness response rendering palmarosa adept at helping speed recovery time during the challenging winter season. Cooling and moistening in essence, palmarosa can offer relief from the mental afflictions of insecurity, grief, or defensiveness.
Latin Name : Citrus Aurantium var. Amara
Part of Plant Used: Leaves & Twigs
Source : Paraguay
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation
Petitgrain Essential Oil is derived from the bitter orange tree, which has a long history of use in traditional health practices. Historically, Petitgrain essential oil has been used for cleaning purposes.
Petitgrain is widely used in the perfume industry, giving body sprays, fragrances, lotions, and colognes a fresh, herbaceous note that is popular among both women and men.
Petitgrain Oil possesses an aroma that is sweet, yet tart with subtle floral and woody characteristics. It blends especially well with citrus, floral and wood oils. Petitgrain will boost feelings of joy and bravery when facing a challenge and help promote hope and calm.
Latin Name : Rosa Centifolia
Part of Plant Used : Petals
Source : Morocco
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation
Rose Essential Oil is more than just a pretty, floral scent. It has several therapeutic properties that makes it amazing in skincare products. Rose Absolute has several therapeutic properties, including antidepressant, antiseptic, astringent, calmative and sedative.
Rose Essential Oil is known for its antidepressant agents. It helps boost confidence, mental health and fights depression!
Most acne occurs when there is an overproduction of sebum in a person's pores, but increased bacteria plays a huge part in the development of acne too. Luckily, Rose Essential Oil has several properties that will reduce acne, including astringent, antiviral as well as bactericidal.
Latin Name : Aniba Rosaeodora
Part of Plant Used : Wood
Source : Brasil
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation
The health benefits of Rosewood Essential Oil can be attributed to its properties as an analgesic, antidepressant, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, antibacterial, cephalic, deodorant, insecticide, and a stimulating substance. It is extracted from the rosewood tree.
This essential oil can take away your depression and leave you smiling within minutes. The mild, sweet, spicy, and floral aroma of this oil does the trick and is thus favored by aromatherapy specialists. It drives away sadness and disappointment and prepares you to take on life with a new and positive perspective. It can be very good for those who recently failed or are feeling down, whether it is in terms of academics, professional situations, or relationships.
Although not strong, this oil serves as a mild analgesic and can give you relief from slight headaches, toothaches, and pain in the muscles and joints. This oil can keep your brain cool, active, sharp, and alert and can take away headaches as well. This will also improve your memory and help protect you from neurotic disorders.
This oil has insecticidal properties and can kill small insects like mosquitoes, lice, bed bugs, fleas, and ants. You can also use it in vaporizers, sprays, room fresheners, and floor washes. If rubbed on the skin, it keeps away mosquitoes as well.
Latin Name : Commiphora Myrrha
Part Of Plaant Used : Resin
Source : Somalia
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation
Myrrh has been used since ancient times as perfume and incense for medicinal and sacred purposes.Myrrh Essential Oilis a staple in aromatherapy and is believed to ease coughs and colds, soothe digestive discomfort, and boost immunity.
When used in aromatherapy, myrrh is said to help treat or prevent the following health problems as colds, cough, insomnia or sore throat.
In addition, myrrh essential oil is said to reduce inflammation, stimulate the immune system, alleviate pain, and promote wound healing. Sometimes used as an ingredient in skincare products, myrrh essential oil is also purported to reduce the appearance of wrinkles.
Latin Name : Rosa Centifolia
Part of Plant Used :Petals
Source :Morocco
Extraction Method : Solvent Extract
5% Dilution in Grapeseed Oil
Rose Essential Oil is more than just a pretty, floral scent. It has several therapeutic properties that makes it amazing in skincare products. Rose Absolute has several therapeutic properties, including antidepressant, antiseptic, astringent, calmative and sedative.
Rose Essential Oil is known for its antidepressant agents. It helps boost confidence, mental health and fights depression!
Most acne occurs when there is an overproduction of sebum in a person's pores, but increased bacteria plays a huge part in the development of acne too. Luckily, Rose Essential Oil has several properties that will reduce acne, including astringent, antiviral as well as bactericidal.
Latin Name : Coriandrum Sativum
Part Of Plant Used : Seed
Source : Russia
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation
The health benefits of coriander essential oil can be attributed to its properties as an analgesic, aphrodisiac, antispasmodic, carminative, depurative, deodorant, digestive, fungicidal, lipolytic, stimulant, and stomachic substance.
Coriander Essential Oilcan make your married life heavenly. It arouses and increases the libido, as well as cures temporary impotency, frigidity of both males and females, erectile dysfunctions, and general loss of interest in sex.
People who are fed up with trying all possible methods to lose weight need to pay attention to this property of cilantro essential oil. It promotes lipolysis, which means hydrolysis of lipids, which in turn means hydrolysis or breaking down of fats and cholesterol. The faster the lipolysis, the faster you get slim and lose weight.
Coriander also relieves nervous cramps, convulsions, and generally relaxes your body and mind. It also stimulates and warms up the organ systems and various functions going on inside the body. It stimulates hormone and enzymes secretions, digestion, excretion, brain functions and nervous system activity. It also fights depression and boosts your spirits.
Latin Name : Melaleueca Viridiflora
Part Of Plant Used : Leaves & Twigs
Source: Indonesia
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation
Niaouli Essential Oil isn't the greatest smelling essential oil. What it lacks in aromatic appeal, however, it makes up for in its therapeutic benefits. It's an excellent choice for use with respiratory concerns, skin infections and acne.
Aromatically, Niaouli Essential Oil is generally not considered a pleasant essential oil. The aroma is camphorous, earthy and a bit harsh. It's never a good idea to form an opinion of the aroma of an essential oil by simply smelling it straight from the bottle.
The pain-relieving property of this oil makes it a very good analgesic. It eliminates pain by inducing numbness in the nerves and by desensitizing the area. It is very effective in relieving the pain of headaches, migraines, toothaches, earaches, and muscle and joint pain, as well as pain due to sprains.
This oil stimulates the circulation of the blood and lymph, thereby preventing the accumulation of uric acid in the joints and bringing warmth to various parts of the body. These two factors together help give relief from rheumatism, arthritis, and gout.
Open wounds are prone to infections since bacteria, fungi, and other microbes have a very good chance of getting into the bloodstream through these wounds. Bacteria also reside in the urogenital tracts, colon, prostate, intestines, and kidneys and cause infections of the urethra and other sensitive body parts. The essential oil of Niaouli, thanks to its antiseptic properties, can inhibit bacterial growth in those areas and gives good protection against sepsis, tetanus, and infections of the other internal organs.
Latin Name : Pinus Sylvestris.
Part of Plant Used : Needles.
Source : Siberia.
Extraction Method : Dry Distillation.
The health benefits of pine essential oil include its ability to reduce inflammation and associated redness, protect against sinus infections, clear mucus and phlegm, cure skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis, boost the immune system, fight fungal and viral infections, stimulate the mind and body, and protecting your home and body from a wide variety of germs.
The numerous health benefits of pine essential oil have made it one of the most important essential oils used in aromatherapy. Pine essential oil blends well with many other oils including cedarwood, rosemary, lavandin, sage, labdanum, and juniper, and therefore, it can be widely used in making aromatherapy preparations. It has a very low toxicity for humans, so it is one of the safer essential oils, although some people are sensitive and can suffer from mild respiratory irritation when inhaling too much of this powerful oil.
Pine essential oil is the oil obtained from the tree commonly known as pine, which has the Latin or scientific name Pinus Sylvestris. It is believed that this tree originated in Austria and Russia before spreading to different parts of the world. If you are still not sure what tree we are referring to, you have probably seen it used as a Christmas tree all over the world! One of the reasons that pine oil has become such an important element in supplemental health is its availability. It is relatively easy to make pine essential oil, and pine trees grow in huge numbers all over the world.
Latin Name : Thymus Vulgaris
Part of Plant Used : Leaves & Flowering Tops
Source : Spain
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation
Thyme oil has antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties. It’s commonly used as a preservative in foods, cosmetics, and toiletries. It can also be found as an ingredient in mouthwash. The health benefits of this Thyme Essential Oil can be attributed to its properties as an antispasmodic, antirheumatic, antiseptic, bactericidal, bechic, cardiac, carminative, cicatrizant, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, hypertensive, insecticide, stimulant, tonic, and a vermifuge substance.
One of the stimulating components of thyme essential oil can help to improve the circulation in your body, which increases healing and blood flow to extremities and areas that need oxygenation. This can also protect the heart and lower your chances of blood clots, while also helping to keep you active.
Topical application of Thyme Essential Oil is very popular on the skin, as it can heal wounds and scars, prevent inflammatory pain, moisturize the skin, and even minimize the appearance of acne. The mixture of antiseptic properties and antioxidant stimulants in this oil can keep your skin looking clear, healthy, and young as you age!
There are two main reasons behind rheumatism, arthritis, and gout. The first is improper or obstructed circulation and the second one is an increasing concentration of toxins like uric acid in the bloodstream. Thyme essential oil can sort out both of these problems. Since it is a diuretic, it increases urination and helps in the removal of toxins from the body.
Latin Name : Salvia Officinalis
Part of Plant Used : Dried Leaves
Source : Spain
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation
The health benefits of sage essential oil can be attributed to its properties as an antifungal, antimicrobial, antioxidant, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antibacterial, cholagogic and choleretic, cicatrizant, depurative, digestive, disinfectant, emmenagogue, expectorant, febrifuge, laxative, and a stimulating substance.
The presence of camphor and camphene in this essential oil gives it an antifungal property. This oil is capable of inhibiting fungal infections, both internally and externally, and gives relief from fungal infections like dysentery, skin diseases, Athlete’s Foot or dermatitis. This property is one of the causes behind its use in skincare products.
Sage Essential Oil helps in digestion, soothing the stomach, and improving the functionality of the whole digestive system against inflammation caused by excessive acids. It also neutralizes acids in the stomach and the bloodstream, thereby providing relief from acidity and acidosis, which in turn protects us from peptic ulcers due to acidity, as well as from boils, eruptions, and skin diseases that occur when acid levels rise in the blood.
Latin Name : Juniperus Virginiana
Part Of Plant Used : Wood
Source : USA
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation
Cedarwood is basically a plant native to cold climates and is normally found at high altitudes. The health benefits of cedarwood essential oil can be attributed to its properties as an antiseborrheic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, tonic, astringent, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, insecticidal, sedative, and fungicidal substance.
Cedarwood Essential Oil relieves symptoms of Seborrhoea. Seborrhoea or Seborrhoeic Eczema is a dreadful disease caused by a malfunction of the sebaceous glands. This results in increased sebum production and subsequent infection of the epidermal cells. It looks very ugly, as the skin, colored white or pale yellow, starts peeling off, particularly from the scalp, eyebrows, inner ear, and anywhere else with hair follicles. Cedarwood oil can be beneficial in curing this inflammatory situation and can reduce this skin peeling, regularize sebum production, and treat the infection. The oil also reduces the ugly redness and obvious signs of the condition while eliminating it.
Cedarwood oil prevents wounds from becoming septic as well as protecting them from tetanus germs. By defending the body against toxins, cedarwood essential oil relieves the white blood cells and the immune system of the extra stress, which allows them to protect the internal functions.
Cedarwood oil can be used as a general health tonic since it tones the organ systems and stimulates metabolism. It tightens and tones muscles in the skin, stomach, digestive system, and regulates brain functions. It boosts the functionality of the kidney and liver, which further improves overall health and wellness.
Latin Name : Hyssopus Officinalis
Part Of Plant Used : Leaves & Flowering Tops
Source: Slovenia
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation
The essential oil of Hyssop is extracted with the help of steam distillation of the leaves and flowers of a shrub called Hyssop. The health benefits of this essential oil can be attributed to its properties as an astringent, stimulant, antispasmodic, antirheumatic, antiseptic, carminative, cicatrizant, digestive, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, hypertensive, nervine, sudorific, tonic, febrifuge, vermifuge, and vulnerary substance.
Being an antispasmodic, Hyssop Essential Oil gives relief in spasms of the respiratory system, thereby curing spasmodic coughs. It also cures spasms of the nervous system in order to cure convulsions and related problems, as well as reducing muscular spasms, which cures cramps, and spasms of the intestines, giving relief from acute abdominal pain.
Since Hyssop oil improves and promotes circulation, it helps cure diseases associated with poor circulation, such as rheumatism, arthritis, gout, and swelling. This oil facilitates digestion. Being a stimulant, it stimulates the secretion of gastric juices like acids, enzymes, and bile into the stomach, which speeds up the decomposition of complex proteins, carbohydrates, and other nutrients.
Latin Name : Litsea Cubeba
Part Of Plant Used : Fruit
Source: China
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation
This May Chang Essential Oil is a very uplifting and stimulating oil and useful during times of fatigue, melancholy and anxiety. Used to create a cheering ambience when diffused. Traditionally used as a digestive aid May Chang can help with poor digestion and stimulate the appetite.
May chang essential oil has refreshing, stimulating and uplifting action, which makes it perfect for relieving fatigue and lethargic psychological states. And because this oil is a tonic to the nervous system it makes it ideal for clearing your head when you are feeling anxious, stressed or befuddled.
It has surprisingly good antiseptic, antifungal and antiviral properties too, which can be used to help keep coughs, colds and athletes foot at bay. It’s also great for cleansing jobs around the home such as sterilizing kitchen worktops. To boost its effectiveness, blend may chang with tea tree and you’ll have a powerful cleansing action without the unpleasant disinfectant-like aroma.
Latin Name : Vetiveria Zizanioides
Part of Plant Used: Roots
Source: Java
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation
This Vetiver Essential Oil, also called khus oil, is extracted from the vetiver plant, a clumpy, green grass native to India that can grow five feet high or more. Vetiver oil is quite fragrant, with a distinctive sharp and earthy scent you may recognize from men’s cologne. The soothing and cooling effects of vetiver essential oil calm and pacify all sorts of inflammation. It is particularly good at providing relief from inflammation in both the circulatory and nervous system.
The essential oil of vetiver is a well-known sedative. It sedates nervous irritations, afflictions, convulsions and emotional outbursts such as anger, anxiety, epileptic and hysteric attacks, restlessness, and nervousness. It even benefits patients that suffer from insomnia. Vetiver essential oil helps heal wounds by promoting the growth of new tissues in wounded places and also by keeping it safe from infections by inhibiting the growth of microbes.
Latin Name : Daucus Carota Sativa
Part Of Plant Used: Dried Seeds
Source: Hungary
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation
Used in aromatherapy applications, Carrot Seed Essential Oil stimulates circulation as well as brain and nerve functions. Its warm, earthy, woody, and herbaceous scent has a soothing, refreshing, and grounding effect that is known to diminish feelings of fatigue, weakness, anxiety, and stress.
Carrot seed essential oil can help you retain your youth. Antioxidants in this essential oil repair the damages done to your tissues by oxidants and stop them from doing further harm. These antioxidants protect your skin from wrinkles, keep your hair from turning white, your joints from stiffening, your muscles from weakening and your eyesight from declining.
This powerful essential oil can treat infections and protect against their effects. It has antiseptic properties, including its ability to prevent tetanus. Carrot seed oil can be used for the treatment of infections on the skin and in open wounds. It is used for the treatment of viral infections of the respiratory system, including bronchitis. It is effective in fighting other viral infections as well, including the flu, mumps, coughs, colds, and measles.
Carrot seed oil has the ability to detoxify the blood, tissues, muscles, and internal organs like the liver and kidneys. It eliminates toxins like uric acid from the blood, tissues, muscles, and joints, thereby helping to treat and slow the progression of edema, arthritis, gout, and rheumatism.
Latin Name : Melaleuca Cajuputi
Part Of Plant Used: Leaves & Twigs
Source: Indonesia
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation
This Cajeput Essential Oil is used to treat colds, headaches and toothache. It is very efficient in fighting infections from bacteria, virus, and fungi, such as tetanus (bacteria), influenza (virus), and infectious diseases like cholera and typhoid.
Cajuput oil is very efficient in killing and driving away insects. Its insecticidal properties are so strong that its diluted solution can be sprayed or vaporized with the help of a vaporizer to drive away mosquitoes, ants, and many other types of pests from the rooms. A diluted solution of cajuput oil can also be rubbed on the body to keep insects away.
Just like eucalyptus oil, cajuput oil is also an expert decongestant and expectorant. Being a decongestant, it gives immediate relief in congestion of the nose, throat, and other respiratory organs as well as for coughs, infections, and resultant inflammation of the throat.
It is analgesic in nature, meaning that it reduces feelings of pain. When applied locally, such as on an infected tooth in case of a toothache or rubbed on the forehead in case of a headache. Apply only in highly diluted solutions.
Latin Name : Cinnamomum Camphora
Part Of Plat Used : Wood and Roots
Source : China
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation
White Camphor Essential Oil smells fresh, intense and woody. Its aroma is somewhat eucalyptus-like due to its high cineole content.
White camphor Essential oil provides respiratory relief. It immediately relieves congestion of the bronchi, larynx, pharynx, nasal tracts, and lungs. Applied to the skin, camphor oil can help to relieve pain and inflammation.
It can help with Muscular Aches and Pains, Rheumatism, Cough, Bronchitis, Colds, Acne, Rashes, Parasitic Skin Infections, Contusions, Bruises and Insect Repellent.
Latin Name : Anethum Graveolens
Part Of Plat Used: Seed
Source: Hungary
Extraction Method: Steam Distillation
From boosting the immune system to relieving muscle cramps, this Dill Seed Essential Oil benefits are numerous. Spasms can be very irritating and in extreme cases, can even be fatal. Spasms are cases of unwanted and abnormal contractions, either in the respiratory tracts, intestines, muscles, or nerves. Such attacks of spasms can be pacified with the help of dill essential oil. It has a relaxing effect on nerves, muscles, intestines and the respiratory system and pacifies spasmodic attacks, providing quick relief.
Dill oil is also known for its disinfectant properties. It can be used in a diluted form for applying on the scalp to protect hair from various infections and even lice.
Dill oil is stomachic, being a stomachic means being an agent that acts as a tonic to keep the stomach healthy, toned and functioning properly. It keeps the stomach in proper shape, regulates the secretion of digestive juices and bile into it, keeps it safe from infections and also helps the healing process of ulcers or wounds, if any, in the stomach.
Latin Name : Styrax Benzoin
Part Of Plant Used : Resin
Source : Philippines
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation
The benzoin resin is antifungal, anti-spasmodic, anti-inflammatory, and a mild expectorant. It regenerates the skin and is an excellent healing agent. At the psychic level, it is relaxing, reassuring and anxiolytic. Internally, benzoin can be used against coughing. It helps uplift your spirit and is comforting when lonely, sad, alienated, depressed and bereaved.
Latin Name : Illicium Verum
Part of Plant Used : Fruit
Source : China
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation
Anise Seed Essential Oil is used for upset stomach, intestinal gas, “runny nose,” and as an expectorant to increase productive cough, as a diuretic to increase urine flow, and as an appetite stimulant. This oil can give relief from rheumatic and arthritic pains by stimulating blood circulation, and by reducing the sensation of pain in the affected areas.
This essential oil also has antiseptic properties which give wounds an effective protective layer against infections and sepsis. This aids in the faster healing of wounds.
The warming effect of this oil on the respiratory and the circulatory systems makes it a cordial. This property helps counter colds, the deposition of phlegm, and problems like rheumatism and arthritis. The essential oil of anise is toxic to insects and smaller animals, therefore its smell keeps insects away. For this reason, this oil can be employed to drive away insects by using it in fumigants, vaporizers, and sprays.
Latin Name : None - Natural Blend.
Source: Mixed.
Extraction Method : N/A.
Melissa blend is a special mixture of fractionated essential oils designed to have the same fragrance profile and properties as true Melissa as true Melissa is extremely expensive. The exact formulation of this oil is a closely guarded secret but the contents of the oil are as follows :
- Citral from Lemongrass
- Lemon Oil
- D-Limonene from Orange
- Ho Oil
- Beta Caryophylene from Clove Oil.
This Melissa Essential Oil is uplifting, revitalizing and harmonising. It has a soothing effect on the emotions. It is also uplifting to the spirits and is known for optimising healthy digestion and clearing the head. It has a fresh, sweet, lemony aroma.
Latin Name : Citrus Reticulata
Part of Plant Used: Fruit Peel
Source: Brasil
Extraction Method : Cold Expression
Tangerine is a calming essential oil with a sweet, tangy aroma, similar to orange. It helps with occasional nervous irritability. An excellent oil to help uplift the spirit and bring about a sense of security, tangerine is also rich in the powerful antioxidant d-limonene.
Tangerine Essential Oil is considered a powerful depurative. It helps in the excretion or removal of toxic and unwanted substances such as uric acid, pollutants, extra salt and water from the body through sweat, urine, and the excretory process. It increases the oxygen-retaining capacity of the erythrocytes (red blood cells), thereby refreshing and purifying the blood.
The essential oil of tangerine soothes the body. It soothes all types of inflammation and hyperactivity in the organ systems functioning in the body, namely the respiratory, circulatory, digestive, nervous, and excretory systems. It sedates inflammation from fever, the intrusion of poisonous substances in the bloodstream from external sources, convulsions, anxiety, stress, and hypersensitivity to allergies. It also sedates depression, anger, and impulsive responses.
As a stomachic, the essential oil of tangerine keeps your stomach in a good condition by maintaining a proper flow of digestive juices and maintains the right balance between the acid and bile so that excess acids are neutralized. This also cures wounds, if any, in the stomach. It soothes the stomach and gives relief from inflammation.
Latin Name : Aloysia Triphylla
Part Of Plant Used :Herb
Source :Spain
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation
Emotionally and energetically, this Lemon Verbena Essential Oil can help relieve anxiety and depression. Its sedative and aphrodisiac properties make it helpful for relaxing the mind and uplifting and improving one's mood.
Using lemon verbena essential oil is a popular herbal remedy with a stimulating scent, and has a wide range of potential health benefits when used properly.
With its expectorant properties, verbena oil is often used to loosen phlegm, clear congestion and soothe the associated pain of a hacking cough. What’s more, the high citral content means it can often kill the bacteria found in mucus.
The physical relief induced by verbena is well-established, but it has many mentally therapeutic benefits too. Verbena’s presence in body mists, massage oils, candles and diffusers can inspire and stimulate the mind, providing sweet relief from the lethargy and monotony of the daily grind.
Latin Name : Boswellia Carterii.
Part Of Plant Used : Resin.
Source : Oman.
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation.
This Pure Frankincense Essential Oil is steam distilled from the resin of the Boswellia carterii tree, of the Burseraceae family, and is also known as Olibanum. The word is derived from the French franc meaning luxuriant, and was, along with myrrh, the first gum to be used as
incense. The tree is indigenous to the Middle East, and is said to exist in natural bonsai formation in that parched land. Frankincense is said to symbolize divinity.
This oil is the most popular in aromatherapy for its calming properties. It is said to help heal wounds and prevent scars. It is used to tone the face, remove wrinkles, and avoid stretch marks in cosmetic products. Frankincense essential oil has been used to ease anxiety, stress, asthma, bronchitis, laryngitis, and bad coughs. It is a general tonic to the uterus, has a calming effect during labour, and helps ease heavy menstruation. It is most useful during meditation. Avoid during pregnancy.
Ancient Egyptians burned frankincense as holy incense and used it as a face mask. They ground the burnt resin into a powder called kohl, used to highlight the eyes. Kohl-lined eyes are commonly seen in Egyptian art.
The earliest record of frankincense use was found in a tomb inscription of the 15th century BC Egyptian queen Hatshepsut. It was used to fumigate the sick, to banish evil spirits.
Latin Name : Cuminum Cyminum
Part Of Plant Used :Seeds
Source :Egypt
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation
The essential oil of cumin is extracted from its dried and crushed seeds through a process of steam distillation. Cumin is quite popular as a spice all over the world, and it hardly needs any introduction.
Cumin Essential Oil has strong antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. It was found to be very effective against bacteria such as microorganisms like E. coli., S. aureus, S. faecalis.
It can treat internal bacterial infections like those in the colon, stomach, intestines and urinary tract, as well as external infections on the skin.
Latin Name : Tsuga Canadensis
Part of Plant Used :Needles & Twigs
Source :USA
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation
The earthy-smelling Spruce Essential Oil, which is made from the needles and twigs of spruce trees, can be combined with other notable essential oils to help promote healing from muscles aches, sprains and strains.
Spruce oil has potent antibacterial, anti-infectious, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antiviral, antiseptic, disinfectant, expectorant and stimulant properties. It works wonders for respiratory ailments, wound healing, viral infections, arthritis, rheumatism and other forms of muscle aches and pains.
Spruce oil is frequently added in soap, air fresheners and household cleaner formulations to lend its fresh scent and act as a disinfecting agent. Because of its pleasant earthy scent, its calming effects and its ability to ease anxiety and stress
Latin Name : Petroselinum Crispum
Part Of Plant Used :Seed & Herb
Source :France
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation
Parsley Essential Oil exhibits antimicrobial, antiseptic, astringent, carminative, digestive, diuretic, and detoxifying properties. Parsley oil can help kill microbes and inhibit their growth, protecting you from various infections and diseases.
Where there are microbes, there are infections and diseases, but where there is parsley essential oil, there are no microbes. But why? Perhaps because this oil has extensive antimicrobial properties. That is said, this oil has certain components which can kill microbes and inhibit their growth. Therefore, it can effectively give protection against a multitude of infections.
The essential oil of parsley has certain properties which can help you with rheumatism and arthritis.
Parsley essential oil promotes the removal of toxins and other unwanted substances from the body through the urine. This makes it a detoxifier. This helps keep you safe from many diseases which are born due to the accumulation of these unwanted substances in the body, such as rheumatism, arthritis, boils, skin diseases and many others.
Latin Name : Cinnamomum Camphora Var. Glavescens
Part Of Plant Used :Wood
Source :China
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation
Ho Wood is one of the most potent sources of naturally occurring linalol found in any steam distilled essential oil. Aromatically, Ho Wood Essential Oil is a beautifully fragrant wood oil.
Emotionally, given its linalol content, Ho Wood Essential Oil is a "peaceful" oil. It is calming and is a good choice when needing to relax or unwind.
The high amount of natural linalool in Ho Wood oil has wide aromatherapy benefits such as an aid for insomnia, antidepressant, immune stimulant, and helps generate new cell growth. This makes Ho Wood particularly interesting for anti-aging and mature skin care blends. Its aroma is especially pleasing and calming when diffused for insomnia.
Latin Name : Leptospermum Petersonii
Part Of Plant Used :Leaves
Source :Australia
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation
Uplifting, grounding and cleansing, therapeutically Lemon Tea Tree Essential Oil is a powerful anti-microbial, anti-septic and anti-histamine. It can be used to combat inflammatory skin conditions, aid sleep and concentration and makes an excellent room deodoriser. Lemon Tea Tree has a fresh astringent, lemony scent that is pungent and slightly herbaceous.
Lemon Tea Tree has a very powerful effect on the emotions, providing calming, centering, and focus to the more challenging times of the day. It can be used to combat backyard nuisances, deodorize a stale room, and has an uplifting and calming effect. It is helpful with concentration and focus, and can aid to ease excess worry and fear, while promoting positive feelings.
Latin Name : Pimenta Racemosa.
Plant Part Used : Leaves
Source : Caribbean.
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation.
The West Indian Bay is another plant that has been prized for it's uses in medicine and cooking. Bay leaves have been used various types of cooking and condiments and the fruit is one of the ingredients of All Spice.
Bay has long been used in hair tonics as it is said to be for the scalp as well as treating the hair itself and promoting growth. It is also said that Bay is good for aches, pains, circulation and rheumatism as well as being an aid to the immune system when fighting disease.
Latin Name : Ravensara Aromatica
Part Of Plant Used : Leaves
Source : Madagascar
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation
This Ravensara Essential Oil is a powerful antiseptic, antibacterial, and antiviral, used to treat internal and skin conditions. Ravensara Essential Oil is used in aromatherapy to treat ailments caused by excess mucous and phlegm in the respiratory tract. The primary chemical compounds found in Ravensara essential oil include estragole (about 80%), methyl eugenol (8.5%), and limonene (3%).
Estragole is known for reducing fatigue, alleviating stress, improving sleep quality, relieving headaches, boosting cognitive function, and improving mood. Limonene is well-known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, providing a remedy for a range of health issues and improving overall well-being.
Because of its antibacterial, antiviral, and antimicrobial properties, Ravensara essential oils effectively helps the body in fighting the cold virus. If you feel a cold coming on, try taking a relaxing bath with a few drops of Ravensara essential oil for relief.
Latin Name : Pelargonium Graveolens & P/Rosa Egypt
Essential Oil Blend
Rose Geranium Essential Oil is an active ingredient in some cosmetic products, like lotions and fragrances. A 2017 review of studies demonstrated that antioxidant properties in rose geranium oil may help reduce the signs of aging. Antioxidants are well-established as natural agents for improving your skin’s ability to heal itself from environmental toxins and exposure.
Rose geranium oil has strong antimicrobial, antifungal, and antiviral properties.
Latin Name : Betula Pendula Roth
Part of Plant Used :Leaf Buds
Source :China
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation
This White Birch Essential Oil is known to have natural astringent properties so can be very useful when well diluted in a carrier oil or cream or lotion. It may offer help to soothe skin conditions such as acne and eczema. It's also thought to be of assistance in removing toxins and boosting circulation.
The health benefits of Birch Essential Oil can be attributed to its properties as a tonic, disinfectant, stimulant, antidepressant, analgesic, detoxifying, antirheumatic, antiarthritic, diuretic, antiseptic, astringent, febrifuge, germicide, insecticide, and depurative substance.
Birch oil is helpful in reducing pain in the joints and muscles, as well as pain associated with headaches and toothaches. It is also antispasmodic and relieves cramping throughout the body.
Since it stimulates the circulatory system and improves circulation, birch essential oil is very helpful in giving relief in diseases associated with improper circulation such as edema (swelling), rheumatism, and arthritis.
Latin Name : Cananga Odorata
Part of Plant Used : Flowers
Source : Camores
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation
Ylang Ylang means “flower of flowers” and has been used for centuries across tropical areas of Asia including the Philippines, Indonesia and the Polynesian Islands. The flowers were and are still traditionally used in Indonesia to decorate the bed of newly married couples on their wedding night due to their uplifting and aphrodisiac qualities.
Ylang Ylang is renowned for its mood enhancing, sedative, antidepressant, beautifying and aphrodisiac properties. It is beneficial for the immune system, cardiovascular system and endocrine system, relaxing the body while liberating the mind of negative emotions.
Ylang ylang essential oil is also used to relieve pain, reduce inflammation, improve mood, and enhance libido. In addition, ylang ylang essential oil is said to act as a natural insect repellent, promote wound healing, and diminish the appearance of scars when applied to the skin.
Latin Name : Mentha Arvensis
Part Of Plant Used :Leaves
Source :China
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation
Cornmint has a wide range of therapeutic uses and is a versatile essential oil. Some of these properties are anaesthetic, anti-migraine, antispasmodic, carminative, digestive, expectorant, mucolytic, neuro-tonic and stimulant.
Cornmint’s various uses are for antimicrobial and digestive, and is also used to remove negativity in a spiritual use. Documented uses include anesthetic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, a stimulant and a digestive.
This Cornmint Essential Oil is a helpful aid for headaches, digestive issues, circulation, sore throat, colds, and nausea. Cornmint essential oil is energizing and uplifting.
Latin Name: Mentha Spicata
Plant Part Used: Flowering Tops
Source: China
Extraction Method: Steam Distillation
This Spearmint Essential Oil is a high grade 60% Carvone variety.Carvone is the naturally occuring chemical that gives Spearmint its distinctive odour. The other 40% of the oil is made up of
other chemicals naturally occuring in the Spearmint plant.
Spearmint Essential Oil is multi-purpose and it continues to be used to soothe ailments such as skin problems, headaches, nausea, vomiting, respiratory issues, and cold symptoms.
Used in aromatherapy, Spearmint Essential Oil is said to help reduce nasal congestion caused by the excessive buildup of phlegm and mucus in the nose and throat, thereby promoting easier breathing. It has revitalizing, energy-inducing action on the body by working to enhance mood, concentration, and by energizing the skin. Its fresh, restorative fragrance helps to uplift the mood and comfort emotional stress.